Working to better global health
Parallel to our core activities, we prioritise to work with NGOs and health charities. With Visikon World we strive to engage in meaningful projects, potential partnerships, to solve global challenges and influence change.
We believe that our solutions can make an impact, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where limited health education and low health literacy are dominant issues.

Saving lives with the Safe Delivery App
In cooperation with Maternity Foundation, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark, Visikon has produced and helped scale the Safe Delivery App, a research-based mHealth tool that is used in more than 40 countries.
Using the principles of our My Treatment™ solution, the app educates healthcare professionals on Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care. Ultimately, to help improve the lives of thousands of women and newborns in low- and middle-income countries. Among a number of global actors, the app has gained the support of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Diabetes Guide in Myanmar
The Diabetes Guide is an app developed in association with Novo Nordisk and the Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar. It provides healthcare professionals in Myanmar with access to tools that support patient dialogue, diagnosis and general clinical knowledge on diabetes.
With a high prevalence of diabetes in Myanmar, initiatives that can help to prevent and treat the disease are highly relevant. This digital health solution is particularly beneficial for healthcare professionals in primary care and diabetes patients.

Telemedicine in Rio de Janeiro
Visikon is a part of a research project with the University of Copenhagen that aims at optimising Brazilian healthcare with telemedicine. With the purpose of managing patients with heart failure in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, the project is a collaboration between primary care and cardiologists at Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia.
Visikon’s contribution is to provide consultancy on patient education within heart failure and enable the hospital to support patients and their families with the My Treatment™ App. The project is supported by DANIDA, the Danish International Development Agency.
Inciting new partnerships
Visikon World counts partnerships with a number of well-reputed industry actors. We are always interested in finding solutions to benefit both healthcare professionals and patients. Reach out, if you are searching for a competent provider of digital health communication with industry expertise to partner with on a meaningful project.
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